Sewer Line Inspections

Whether you're experiencing recurring issues or looking to purchase a home, getting a sewer line inspection will allow you to get a better understanding of the condition of the sewer line. Our technicians will run a camera down the sewer line, locate any breaks or issues and create a map of their findings. The camera report and footage are reviewed and recommendations are provided by our experts.

Benefits to Sewer Line Inspections

Understand the condition of the line

Identify problems or breaks

Line Locating

Why should I get a Sewer Line Inspection before I buy a home?



  • You can call the office or request an appointment online. Requests for inspections within a 48-hour period must be requested by phone.

    • Homeowner Permission - we have the homeowner's permission to camera the line. Whether you’re the buyer requesting/paying for the inspection, we will need permission from the seller or the seller’s agent. This can be done with a phone call from either the seller or the seller’s agent.

    • Email - An email address is required to receive the footage from the inspection as well as the report. Without an email address, we will mail the report, but footage will not be included.

    • Access - It’s important for you to be onsite to give the technician access to the home. Cleanouts (inside or outside) are the best and easiest way for our technicians to camera the line. Without a cleanout, the technicians will need to either pull a toilet or access via the roof vent. There is a $50 inaccessible cleanout fee.

  • We can provide an estimate to repair or replace the line. Contact the office and let us know if you’re needing an estimate. Note: Estimates can take 7 - 10 business days to provide.

Schedule Inspection