About Sewer Systems

Each sewer system consists of lateral lines and a mainline. Lateral lines drain from bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens, etc., are connected to the home’s main line. The main line directs all the sewage from the lateral lines to the City Sewer or a Septic System. Problems with your sewer system can happen anywhere for many different reasons. Thankfully, Cotter’s Technicians are equipt to help diagnose and solve your sewer issues.

Signs of Sewer Problems

  • Slow Draining

  • Gurgling Noises coming from the drain(s)

  • Frequent Clogs

  • Sewage Smells

Causes of Sewer Problems

  • Broken or corroded pipes

  • Improper sewer line bedding or installation

  • Root intrusion

  • Sludge or FOG - Fats, oil, and grease going down the drains

  • Tough debris being flushed such as feminine products, wipes, etc.

Problematic Pipes

We commonly see sewer issues with Orangeburg, Cast Iron, and Clay Tile Pipes.


Common issues include pipe deterioration and reformation. It's common for the pipe to become egg-shaped and limit flow. We do not recommend water jetting as it can shred the pipe.

Cast Iron

Issues include corrosion and cracks that can lead to root intrusion and cause odors. Continual cleaning can cause thinner pipe leaving it vulnerable to punctures.

Clay Tile

Typically installed with cement joints every three feet, which can deteriorate from sewer gases. The deterioration can lead to root intrusion.

What we need to know

  1. Is this a recurring problem? If we have history of a problematic line, we can make a proper recommendation. Without history, we will follow a standard procedure to resolve the issue.

  2. Are you on City Sewer or Septic? If you’re having a draining issue and you are on a septic system, it could be that your tank needs to be pumped or your filter needs to be cleaned. Click here to learn about septic systems.

  3. Where is the issue happening? If you're having a draining issue or backup in one or more locations, we can determine if you’re having a mainline issue or a lateral line issue. Lateral line issues typically are isolated to one location. Signs of a mainline problem first show at the lowest point in the house. Example: Basement floor drains. But can easily cause problems to multiple lateral lines.

  4. Do you have a clean-out? Clean-outs are pipes connected to the mainline that give technicians easy access to clean the line. Without a clean-out, our technicians can clean the mainline via the roof vent or a pulled toilet.

Whether this is a one-off issue or a regular problem, our team of drain cleaners can help clear your lines and provide recommendations for further maintenance.


Restaurant Grease Maintenance


How Septic Systems Work